Cloud Identity Management: CSC and Symplified Partner Up

Access and identity management remains one of the hottest topics in cloud computing, as developers, vendors, and service providers alike race to find answers to the lingering questions around the SaaS model. Enter Government- and large enterprise-focused systems integrator Computer Sciences Corp., which has partnered with security specialist Symplified for CSC CloudIAM, a solution to extend existing customer credential stores to the cloud.
Here are the major benefits of the Symplified-powered CloudIAM identity and access management (or “IAM,”  get it?) solution in convenient bullet-point form, taken directly from CSC’s press release:
  • Providing [a single sign-on (SSO)] experience to employees that maintains control over user credentials.
  • Controlling access to applications based on individual employee functions.
  • Providing automated on-boarding and off-boarding to improve efficiency and eliminate security holes when employees are hired and depart the company.
  • The ability to quickly and efficiently respond to requests for detailed access logs for SaaS applications to meet compliance auditing requirements.
This product is a potential fit for CSC’s customer base, especially cosnidering all the chatter around security in the cloud.

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