SEO Importance

Simply stated, Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is the process of optimizing a website in order to make it easier for search engines like Google and Yahoo! to crawl or scan your site. When executed properly, search engines will come to understand what your site is actually about. This is important because it helps determine where your website will rank in their search results.

In today’s web-based marketplace, SEO is one of the most profitable skills you can possess. Never before has it been possible to “catch” prospects as they are in the heat of looking for exactly what you sell. Furthermore, customers who find you are more motivated than customers you approach yourself. Unfortunately, all your competitors are aware of that, too.

Without proper optimization, you lose twice: not only do searchers not find you, they then find one or more of your competitors instead. The same goes for bloggers who have nothing to sell but are competing for readers.

